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Microsoft to End Security Updates for Windows XP Next Year

Friday, September 13, 2013

WASHINGTON: Microsoft announced that it will not be releasing any more security updates for its Windows XP operating system, meaning XP-loyal users are going to face a difficult time in converting their systems to the latest version of Windows 8. 

Windows XP

The end of security updates to XP would mean that any flaws reported by hackers will not be fixed by the company. 

Microsoft ended security updates to many of its previous Windows versions like Windows 95, 98, Vista and XP would be the latest to finally face the axe after Microsoft updated it several times before, Fox News reports. 

XP has key security features missing, can't support the latest, safest and most web-compatible versions of Internet Explorer and can't take full advantage of the latest hardware advances. 

Users familiar with the good-old Windows XP might have to upgrade to a new computer, upgraded software and possibly new accessories like printers and scanners and yet the biggest change would be the switch to the Windows 8 OS which has its own set of complexities to access. 

According to the report, Windows 8 is the only operating system available on new computers and since it is radically different from previous versions, desktop owners will find the system complex to operate which is ideally meant for touchscreen tablets.

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